Ultra portable tablet companionWe've made our award-winning design of Arc Touch Mouse even better for those on the go. We've added Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy. A clutter-free and reliable experience that works from up to 30 feet away. Utilizing the latest in Bluetooth technology, consuming less power.And just like the original, the Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse curves to turn on and flattens to turn off. Comfortable and portable, shaped to match the natural curve of your hand, it's a perfect fit for your mobile lifestyle. The touch strip responds precisely to the speed of your finger movement, using haptic feedback to scroll vertically.Take advantage of BlueTrack Technology, which combines the power of optical with the precision of laser for remarkable tracking on virtually any surface. Use it even on a rough wood surface or carpet, with BlueTrack Technology.
TOO SEE CLICK MORE : Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse [1]
[1] http://msfthardwarewheelstorage.blob.core.windows.net/sellsheets/en-us/Mice/Arc_Touch_Bluetooth_Mouse%20(Gabbana)_US_high.pdf
[2] https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Pykv_GcU3Ug?rel=0&modestbranding=1&wmode=opaque&autoplay=1&loop=1&playlist=Pykv_GcU3Ug&controls=0&autohide=1&iv_load_policy=3
[3] https://www.test.shop-inter.com/es/Catalogmice